The Diaries

Sunday, June 27, 2004

2003 - Stew speaks - Being Sad

First experience of being sad.

I’m not sure if it was the first experience or not, but I remember a time when I was playing Little League (so that would be about 4th grade or so) when I realized that people my age didn’t get what I was saying some of the times.

I read a lot of Peanuts comics, and had quite the collection of Snoopy books and stuff. There was one comic strip when Linus had a baseball hat on his head, and Schroeder said something to the affect of, “Don’t be such a clown, Linus, you’ll never catch a ball that way.” And then a ball proceeded to drop right into Linus’ glove for a perfect catch.

One day in Little League practice, we were doing some catching drills. The kid in front of me had put his glove on top of his head a la Linus, and it reminded me of the comic strip. So I said, “Don’t be such a clown, you’ll never catch a ball, that way.” And this kid proceeded to tear me up one side and down another saying things like, “Oh, like you should be saying stuff… you dropped three balls in left field the other night.” And, “You’re such a worthless player, you can’t catch anything.” And more stuff along those lines. I began to tear up and went running to the parking lot where my dad’s car was.

Soon the coach of the team came to talk to me, but I felt that I had already said enough, so I didn’t explain to him the whole situation. I figured why bother, nobody would understand anyway. Besides, the kid was right, I pretty much was a useless baseball player.



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