The Diaries

Friday, July 16, 2004

July 16, 2004

Seen on Highway 99 today . . . a billboard . . . with a whale and the words . . . "Keep 100 Yards Away!"

I have yet to run across a whale on Highway 99, or on any street, but if I shall, I'll be certain to stay 100 yards away from it.

Later Stew told me, as we were sitting in his vehicle in the hot sun, that I was supposed to change into an animal when he said two words that now escape me.

I said, "I can't change into an animal now, not in this heat! They have fur! And I can't even be around whales, so I can't turn into a whale."

We shopped at The Paper Zone for paper for brochures and note cards for my sales and marketing thingie. I'm standing in the aisle, looking at the paper, and notice Stew behind me staring up at the ceiling, which had the open look of an unfinished ceiling. Then he said, "I don't have a reflection . . . " and he sounded a bit worried.

I looked up. "There's no glass up there, or anything at all, so I'd hope not. Don't worry, you haven't turned into a vampire in the past ten minutes."

He just laughed. He had demons behind him the other day, at his apartment, but he dealt with them on his own. Turning into a vampire would be something altogether new.

I told a client today, "Well, since you've ignored me for three months, this work is going to take forever if I do it here on your laptop; I can work much faster if I take it and work in my office."

"Oh, okay," he said, "After all, you do have a life too."

"Well, that," I replied, "And I charge by the hour . . . "

"OH!" He said, "I appreciate that! Take whatever you need!"

My clients love me.

Well, okay, maybe love is too strong a word. They tolerate me. They put up with me. Occasionally . . .
Same client today asked me, "By the way, we were expecting a tax refund and we haven't got anything yet, do you know why?"

I said, "Do you remember signing a tax return?"

"Noooo . . ."

"That's because your taxes aren't done yet. You filed an extension, and they'll be done within the week."

We aim to please here at . . . (my company). And (new company I'm affiliated with). And whoever else I'm being this week.
**Company names changed to protect the innocent and the guilty, and to keep this from being an apparent advertisement, which it isn't meant to be.


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