The Diaries

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

July 7, 2004

The med management issue may be solved. Stew went to see a "doctor" yesterday -- to the clinic we used to go to, back when we went to doctors. About time too. His old PA or whatever retired, so he had to see someone new. He was a bit stressed about it -- a new situation, a new person, having to repeat himself all over again . . . and it's hard to tell how anyone will respond.

It went well, though he left rather anxious. Made him sad. Exploration of this feeling led me to believe that it came from the new doc's wanting to try new drugs, change drugs, stir things up . . . of course that's going to cause some anxiety, create some stress, cause some concern. First on the agenda: get the lithium checked. That's been delayed for too long; it's supposed to be done every three months, but it's been much longer. Then a follow-up in a month. So far, the talk of changing meds is just talk, so I told him not to worry about it, there's time to worry about that later, say, for example, once something's actually being done.

She told him he had OCD. Well, that could be a component of the bipolar. I'm afraid to let him go to a doctor because he seems to come away with new diagnoses rather frequently. OCD, bipolar, borderline, schizo-affective, anxiety, depression . . . and migraines. Med changes might help. She doesn't like some of the things he's been on. That's the problem with meds; rather difficult to say what might help or not until it's tried.

Dog stayed with me last night. It's been a long time. I lay in bed last night with A. holding me and Dog curled up next to me, and wondered why I seem to be missing a component. Ah well, that's an entirely different subject altogether, one which I find tedious and am sick of, but can't seem to forget about either.

For the second day in a row I've been awake at 3 am. It used to be 4 am was the magic hour, now it's moved to 3 am. And now that it's 4:30 am, I'm going back to bed. Much work to be done today -- I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the things that need to get done. Probably should get some sleep, right?


  • At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, your entries are beautiful... yes i am reading - and i'm not on the waiting list for people who think this isn't normal. Please keep writing: the entries written by both of you display so much courage and love. I'd love to read more, as I can relate in some ways... relating is good. :)


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