The Diaries

Thursday, July 22, 2004

July 22, 2004

I want to have a party.

Okay, maybe not even a PARTY. I want to regain my sociability that I used to have. I want to have my place clean and in reasonable shape so people can come in (other than the usual suspects) and we can have a good time and do what I used to be able to do, feed and entertain people . . . back before I lost my life to mental illness. Okay, first step – cuz this is a small apartment – I need to get the place sorted out.

I started with Stew’s apartment today – not that he’s having a party, or anyone in, but it has deteriorated badly, and since his aborted move (when? Last year?) The boxes have not even moved. I started with his bedroom. A box for things to get rid of by selling or donating. A trash bag or several for trash. Dusting the shelves and putting books back on the shelves from the packed boxes. I left him with instructions to take some of the trash out and start eliminating the stuff that he doesn’t want or need. Of course, I’ll need to supervise that closely because he forgets and gets overwhelmed, so I just leave a box or something in an obvious place and tell him to deal with that first. The place is enormously dusty and cluttered, and he’s not liking it. I'm not surprised. I promised him that once we get it back into shape, he’ll love it again. It's a good apartment.

Anyway, so I need to do that with mine, but mine is not nearly as bad as his. I wish I had his kitchen though – it’s bigger than mine, lots of storage space. My kitchen’s too small for Andrew and I to cook in, but we do it anyway. Mainly, my problem is my business. It’s everywhere. Piles of it. Yup, I need to get the piles out of the way. Clean up the dining area. Find a place for everything and everything in its place. It’s a nice apartment – I want it back. Yeah, I think that’s what I’ll do – reclaim my apartment. Then invite some people over. Wanna come?


  • At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HEY! I'll Come!!!! I have a Live Journal - not a Blogger account - that's why my posts to you are always anonymous. My name is Kate though. I'm from Baltimore. But I'll come to your party. :)


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